
Rat pictures under the Copyleft License. Download free of charge for personal use, pictures can be reused, if the authors are mentioned! A common action of rat fans.

To all not Ratfans:
"Beauty always lies in the eye of the beholder"



I now offer an english translation for this site, because I get so many hits form users outsite Germa- ny. Descriptions of the authors and the descrip- tions of the pictures will remane in german. I hope that with this combination this site will reach so more user outsite Germany. For the parts only in german use babelfish or something like that.


Last update: 10.05.2020


This is a small experiment with rats:

What? experiments with rats! No, not in this case - only experiments with pictures of rats. Owing to the Copyleft Licence perhaps some rat photos may become famous (or their authors). Perhaps after klicking on to the photos, you might get a mail or some links to your homepage from time to time. In any case I think that it is worthwhile to try out. Here you will find rats in coconuts, in plastic pipes, in hammocks, either on their own or in a group. there are sleepy rats, hungry rats, they can be affectionate and curious, cunning, saucy, brave, funny and amusing!

Pictures, like this one:

Marks best friend

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This is a privite Website without profitable purpose and needs no imprint according to TDG (Gesetz über die Nutzung von Telediensten).

Nevertheless some references:

Despite careful controlling by the author of this website, he is not liable for the content of external links. The Authors / Webmasters are solely responsibile for the contents of their own external Sites. The content of this website, if not differently characterized and/or marked explicitly by Copyleft License, is protected by copyright law. The copyright of all content of this website - in particular, pictures, films, diagrams and text (also partially), belongs, unless differently stated, to the author of this website. Copying of parts of this website, directlinking of elements such as pictures, films, diagrams, HTML documents and texts is prohibited. For the use of any parts or elements of this website, as described above, a written authorization from the author of this website is necessary.

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